Sujet bac 2014 - Séries techno - LV1 anglais
BACCALAURÉAT TECHNOLOGIQUE SESSION 2014 ANGLAIS VENDREDI 20 JUIN 2014 _______ LANGUE VIVANTE 1 Séries STI2D, STD2A, STL, ST2S : 2 heures – coefficient 2 Série STMG : 2 heures – coefficient 3 _______ L'usage des dictionnaires et des calculatrices électroniques est interdit. Dès que ce sujet vous est remis, assurez-vous qu'il est complet. Ce sujet comporte 5 pages numérotées de 1/5 à 5/5. Répartition des points 10 points Compréhension de l’écrit 10 points Expression écrite 14ANTEV1ME1 Page : 1/5 Document 1 Thor actress teams with Marvel on new contest to connect girls with the most successful women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics To celebrate the new Thor sequel coming out in November 2013, Marvel and Natalie Portman have partnered on a fantastic initiative/contest designed to inspire young girls to consider future careers in science. Titled the ‘Ultimate Mentor Adventure,’ the project aims to “empower girls ages 14 and up in grades 9-12 to embark on a journey that will allow them to explore their 5 potential in the world of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.” Portman, who plays astrophysicist Jane Foster in the Thor films, says in a short video that she loves science. “Today, I'm here to tell you about a life-changing opportunity for girls like you.